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We prepared some demo scripts to present scene, instruction, and sequence generation. By default, a new folder output will be created to save demo results. A set of results generated with demo scripts is also available at demo_output.

Scene generation

Scene generation demo can be run as:


This will run the generation of 5 scenes containing 4-5 random objects. Resulting images will be saved at output/scene_generation/images, and scenes at output/scene_generation/scenes.

Instruction generation

Instruction generation demo can be run as:


This will generate a set of instructions for scenes available in demo/demo_input. Instructions will be saved at output/instruction_generation/NS_AP_demo_instruction.json, along with images of scenes with instructions imposed on them in the same directory.

Sequence generation

Sequence generation demo can be run with Blender rendering, or with default MuJoCo visual output. To run it with Blender as a renderer, please use:

bash blender

The execution will prompt for the choice of one of the 10 instructions to execute. Each instruction represents a different task for scenes in demo/demo_input. As a result a directory with a corresponding index will be created in output/sequence_generation. Directory will contain a sequence of rendered frames, and a .json file with collected observation corresponding to sequence of actions.

Alternatively, default MuJoCo visualisation can be used:

bash mujoco

This will display the whole sequence (not only frames corresponding to action effect) on the computer’s display. It has to be run in the environment with an access to a display (for docker: