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Instruction generation

Instruction generation is performed by going to instruction_generation directory and calling:

cd instruction_generation
python -c config.json

where config.json is a path to configuration file.

We present a default/sample configuration file below:

	"metadata": "configs/metadata.json",
	"template_dir": "templates/templates_neurips",
	"synonyms": "configs/synonyms.json",
	"plurals": "configs/plurals.json",
	"substitutions": "configs/substitutions.json",
	"input_scene_file": "../demo/demo_input/NS_AP_demo_scenes.json",
	"output_instruction_file": "../output/instruction_generation/NS_AP_demo_instructions.json",
	"start_idx": 0,
	"num_scenes": -1,
	"instructions_per_template": 1,
	"templates_per_scene": -1,
	"template_timeout": 60,
	"verbose": true,
	"dump_freq": -1,
	"reset_statistics": 250,
	"task_distribution": true,
	"timer": false,
	"extra_steps": 0

Notable paratmeters

  • template_dir or template_file - a directory of a single file of templates can be provided
  • extra_steps - a parameter related to choice of descriptor words (adjectives/nouns) for the given objects, increasing the parameter, increases the number of possible redundant descriptors (e.g. in the scene, where the only blue item is a mug, extra_steps=0 results in blue being the only viable descriptor, extra_steps=1 allows for blue mug)


Instructions are generated based on templates. We show an example of template with explanation:

    "text": [ 
        "Move the <OBJ1> to the <TP1> part of the table.",
        "Place the <OBJ1> on the <TP1> part of the table."
    ],                                  <-- Alternative forms of instruction phrasing
    "parameters": [
            "name": "<OBJ1>",           <-- Relations between token and what they represent
            "type": "object"
            "name": "<TP1>",
            "type": "table_part"
    "constraints": [                    <-- Constraints with their type and target
            "target": [
            "type": "UNIQUE"
            "target": [
            "type": "IS"
            "target": [
            "type": "NOT_TP"
    "program": [                        <-- Basic form of the symbolic program
            "type": "scene",
            "input": null,
            "input_values": null
            "type": "filter_object",
            "input": -1,
            "input_values": "<OBJ1>"
            "type": "move_to",
            "input": -1,
            "input_values": "<TP1>"
    "task_id": "move",                  <-- Use for grouping per task type
    "template_id": "move_single"        <-- Use for grouping per template type

Available constraints

  • UNIQUE (required) - main rejection mechanism, returns all possible shortest (or of given length) adjectives combinations that uniquely describe scene objects (\ie all descriptions that are applicable to the target token)
  • NON_UNIQUE (required) - second main rejection mechanism, returns all possible shortest (or of given length) adjectives combinations that describe more than one object in the scene
  • IS - used to set the requirement on the object (if UNIQUE, or group of objects if NON_UNIQUE) to have a specified property (\eg pickupable),
  • RELATION_UNIQUE - requires objects connected by a relation to have a unique solution, \ie when one object is referred to in a vague way and in relation to second object, the combination has to provide a valid, unique solution
  • NOT_TP - requires target object not to occupy given table part, both provided as target tokens, used to assure that when asking to move object to another table part, it is not already there
  • TP_SET - requires the set of objects on the given table part to share given property, \eg all objects on the table part related to the given token have to be pickupable
  • IN - requires given object target to be included in the given list of the second target, e.g. if one created a field in object structure with the list of objects that can be contained within